
Issue 2 is coming atcha!

Unboxing Issue 2

Issue 2 has been released into the wild! Subscriber and retailer copies have been sent out and the online version is LIVE!

The issue is packed full of informative and interesting article as well as the usual species profiles and product reviews and more. If you’ve ordered your copy, start stalking your postie now (I’m surely not the only one who does this)! If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? Don’t forget, we have our ‘Take 5’ weekend, with 5% off print subscriptions all weekend (until 11:59pm British Summer Time on the 29th of July 2018).


  • Leaf-cutting ant in nature, in captivity, in focus!
  • Ant keeping in science centres and museums
  • Taxonomy, ants and computers
  • Formica rufibarbis: a species in peril
  • An interview with an ant keeper
  • Species profile: Acromyrmex octospinosus
  • Species profile: Camponotus fulvopilosus
  • Product review: AntKit PS 4500 Arena
  • Product review: byFormica Liquid Feeder (Mini)
  • Internet roundup