
Happy birthday Ant Keeper Magazine!

Wow, what a whirlwind year it’s been for the magazine. We’ve gone from a humble UK launch at BugFest 2018 to sending out physical copies all around the world! Our readers read the magazine either in print or online across the UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and more! We’d like to thank ant lovers all around the world for your amazing support over the past year!

To celebrate our first birthday, we’re offering 18% off all single issues and subscriptions to the magazine until 11:59pm tonight (GMT, 18th of February 2019) – just use the code ‘AKMturns1’ at the checkout. There will also be some celebratory fun on our Facebook page later on today, with giveaways and more!

Come and join us on Facebook (@antkeepermagazine) for fun and birthday frolicks!